Electric Bikes

Can I ride an electric bike on your tours?

XEN MTB believes that e-Bikes (electric bikes) should be allowed on any trail where human-powered bikes are allowed.  However, due to over-reaching laws in California, electric bikes (those having a battery-powered motor) are not allowed in most of the areas that XEN MTB serves.   

XEN MTB does not maintain an exhaustive list of all the regulations surrounding electric bikes and will always choose the side of caution, which is that they are not allowed unless you can prove otherwise.   Bring that proof with you should you choose to ride an e-Bike.

IMPORTANT: If you choose to ride an e-Bike, and are then told to leave an area by an official representative of any government-owned or privately-owned land, even if that area that should be legal, YOUR TOUR FEE WILL NOT BE REFUNDED and WILL NOT BE RESCHEDULED. 

XEN MTB is not responsible for any legal repercussions you could suffer, including but not limited to: fines, arrest, seizure of your property and imprisonment.  XEN MTB makes no legal representation as to whether or not electric bikes are allowed anywhere.  You are solely responsible for your use of e-Bikes in every regard.

For your reference, the full text of California Assembly Bill 1096 which authorizes the use of e-Bikes of certain types in certain areas is viewable here: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB1096

Additional opinions and reference: https://www.electricbike.com/california-ebike-laws/

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Southern California Guided Mountain Bike Tours

XEN MTB Guided Southern California Mountain Bike ides

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